What is thrust augmentation? Explain any two methods of thrust augmentation AeroTribe May 18, 2023 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 0 Comments Thrust augmentation refers to techniques or methods used to increase the thrust output of an engine beyond its normal operating conditions....
Explain with neat sketch operating principles of turbofan engine AeroTribe May 18, 2023 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 0 Comments A turbofan engine is a type of air-breathing jet engine that is widely used in aircraft propulsion. It consists of several key components, ...
Find specific thrust and SFC of a simple turbojet engine, having the following component performance at which the cruise speed and altitude are M 0.8 and 10000m. Select ambient condition from the gas table. Compressor pressure ratio 8.0 Turbine inlet temperature 1200K Isentropic efficiency: Of compressor ηc 0.87 Of turbine ηt 0.90 Of intake ηi 0.93 Of propelling nozzle ηj 0.95 Mechanical transmission efficiency ηm 0.99 Combustion efficiency ηb 0.98 Combustion chamber pressure loss ∆Pb 4% of compressor outlet pressure. C.V of fuel is 43,000 KJ/Kg, assume data if necessary, Cpa ≠Cpg AeroTribe May 18, 2023 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 0 Comments To calculate the specific thrust and specific fuel consumption (SFC) of a turbojet engine, we'll use the given component performance da...
An advanced fighter engine operating at Mach 0.8 and 10Km altitude where, Ta=223.297K & Pa=0.2649 bar has the following uninstalled performance data and uses a fuel with C.V= 42,800KJ/Kg: Thrust = 50 KN Mass flow of air = 45Kg/s Mass flow of fuel = 2.65 Kg/s Determine the specific thrust, thrust specific fuel consumption; exit velocity, thermal efficiency, propulsion efficiency, and overall efficiency (assume exit pressure equal to ambient pressure). AeroTribe May 18, 2023 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 0 Comments To determine the specific thrust, thrust-specific fuel consumption, exit velocity, thermal efficiency, propulsion efficiency, and overall e...
Airbus and SAS partner to develop electric aircraft AeroTribe May 12, 2023 NEWS 0 Comments Airbus and SAS partner to develop electric aircraft Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer, has announced a partnership with Scandinavi...
Boeing resumes 737 Max deliveries to airlines AeroTribe May 12, 2023 NEWS 0 Comments Boeing resumes 737 Max deliveries to airlines Boeing, the American aircraft manufacturer, has resumed deliveries of its 737 Max aircraft to...
Emirates Airlines announces resumption of flights to India AeroTribe May 12, 2023 NEWS 0 Comments Emirates Airlines announces resumption of flights to India Emirates Airlines, the Dubai-based airline, has announced the resumption of flig...
SpaceX successfully launches Starship SN15 AeroTribe May 12, 2023 NEWS 0 Comments SpaceX successfully launches Starship SN15 SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, has successfully launched its latest Starshi...
Airbus delivers its 10,000th aircraft AeroTribe May 12, 2023 NEWS 0 Comments Airbus delivers its 10,000th aircraft Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer, has reached a significant milestone in its history by del...
Delta Air Lines to launch direct flights from Boston to London AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Delta Air Lines to launch direct flights from Boston to London: US airline Delta Air Lines has announced that it will be launching direct fl...
Etihad Airways to launch flights to Mexico City AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Etihad Airways to launch flights to Mexico City: Abu Dhabi-based airline Etihad Airways has announced that it will be launching flights to M...
Qantas to launch direct flights from Australia to New York and Paris AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Qantas to launch direct flights from Australia to New York and Paris: Australian airline Qantas has announced that it will be launching dire...
Indian aviation industry faces headwinds due to high fuel prices AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Indian aviation industry faces headwinds due to high fuel prices: The Indian aviation industry is facing headwinds due to high fuel prices a...
Emirates to introduce premium economy class on Airbus A380s AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Emirates to introduce premium economy class on Airbus A380s: Dubai-based airline Emirates has announced that it will be introducing a premiu...
Boeing to pay $2.5 billion to settle 737 MAX fraud charges: AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Boeing to pay $2.5 billion to settle 737 MAX fraud charges: Boeing has agreed to pay $2.5 billion to settle charges related to fraud and con...
AVIATION NEWS - MAY 2023 AeroTribe May 11, 2023 AVIATION NEWS 0 Comments Sure, here are some of the latest aviation news as of May 2023: 1. Boeing to pay $2.5 billion to settle 737 MAX fraud charges: In a major s...
Airborne Giants: A Look at the Major Airline Operators in India. AeroTribe May 11, 2023 0 Comments India is home to a number of airline operators that offer domestic and international travel options to passengers. Here's a look at som...
Airports Of India AeroTribe May 11, 2023 0 Comments India has a vast network of airports that connects the country's different regions and cities. From the major metropolitan cities to the...
Indian Aviation Industry AeroTribe May 11, 2023 0 Comments The Indian aviation industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. With the country's economic growth a...
ARINC SPECIFICATIONS AeroTribe May 03, 2023 0 Comments ARINC (Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated) Specifications are a set of technical standards developed by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. for the avia...